Invocation of the Elders

Invocation of the Elders

Invocation of the Elders

Invocation of the Elders

Spell of Ancient Wisdom: Invocation of the Elders


This spell draws upon the ancient magical practices of diverse cultures to invoke wisdom, protection, and guidance from the Elders and spirits of old. It incorporates elements from various traditions, blending them into a powerful incantation designed to tap into the collective knowledge and mystical power of the ancients.

Ingredients and Tools

  1. Sacred Circle: A quiet, clean space where you can create a circle using salt, chalk, or natural materials like stones or flowers.
  2. Candles: Four candles (white, blue, red, green) to represent the elements (Air, Water, Fire, Earth).
  3. Herbs: Sage, rosemary, and lavender for purification and protection.
  4. Crystals: Amethyst (wisdom), clear quartz (amplification), and obsidian (protection).
  5. Ancient Symbol: A drawing or carving of an ancient symbol that resonates with you, such as an Egyptian ankh, a Celtic knot, or a rune.
  6. Offering: A small bowl of water and a piece of bread or fruit as offerings to the spirits.


  1. Cleanse the Space: Begin by cleansing your sacred space with the smoke from burning sage. Move in a clockwise direction, allowing the smoke to purify the area.
  2. Set Up the Altar: Place the candles at the four corners of your sacred circle. Arrange the herbs and crystals on a small altar or a clean surface within the circle. Place the ancient symbol in the center.
  3. Create the Circle: Stand at the edge of your space and slowly walk clockwise, visualizing a protective barrier forming as you create the circle. Scatter salt or draw a line with chalk as you walk.


Step 1: Light the Candles

  • Light the white candle (Air) and say: “I call upon the ancient spirits of the Air, bringers of wisdom and clarity.”
  • Light the blue candle (Water) and say: “I call upon the ancient spirits of the Water, bringers of intuition and flow.”
  • Light the red candle (Fire) and say: “I call upon the ancient spirits of the Fire, bringers of transformation and courage.”
  • Light the green candle (Earth) and say: “I call upon the ancient spirits of the Earth, bringers of stability and protection.”

Step 2: Offerings and Prayers

  • Place the bowl of water and the offering (bread or fruit) in front of the ancient symbol.
  • Bow your head and say: “To the Elders and spirits of old, I offer these gifts in reverence and respect. Accept my offerings and grant me your wisdom and protection.”

Step 3: Chant the Incantation

  • Hold the amethyst crystal in your hand and focus on your intention. Begin chanting:

“Spirits of ages past, hear my plea,
Guardians of wisdom, come unto me.
With sage and stone, I call your might,
Ancient ones, guide me this night.

By Air that whispers secrets untold,
By Water’s flow, ancient and old,
By Fire’s light, burning so bright,
By Earth’s strength, lend me your sight.

Ankh, knot, rune, symbol of yore,
Open the gates to knowledge’s door.
Obsidian shields, quartz amplifies,
Reveal the truth, unveil the skies.

From east to west, from north to south,
I seek your counsel, from ancient mouth.
With humble heart, and open mind,
Grant me the wisdom of the timeless kind.”

Step 4: Meditate and Listen

  • Sit quietly within your circle, holding the crystal. Close your eyes and meditate on the ancient symbol, feeling the presence of the Elders and spirits around you. Allow any insights, visions, or messages to come to you without judgment.

Closing the Spell

  1. Express Gratitude: Once you feel the ritual is complete, thank the spirits and the elements for their presence and guidance. Say: “Thank you, spirits of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. Thank you, Elders and guardians of old. Your wisdom and protection are received with gratitude.”
  2. Extinguish the Candles: Extinguish each candle in reverse order (green, red, blue, white) as you release the elements back to their realms.
  3. Close the Circle: Walk counterclockwise around your circle, visualizing the protective barrier dissolving. Scatter any remaining salt or chalk outside as a final act of grounding.


  • Reflect and Record: Take time to reflect on any insights or experiences you had during the spell. Write them down in a journal for future reference.
  • Care for the Offering: Dispose of the offering in a respectful manner, such as burying it or placing it in nature.
  • Grounding: Spend a few moments grounding yourself, either by eating a small snack or by connecting with nature, to ensure you are fully present and balanced.


This spell of ancient wisdom calls upon the timeless knowledge and protection of the Elders and spirits, offering a profound connection to the mystical practices of old. By honoring these ancient traditions, we open ourselves to the guidance and insight that can illuminate our paths and enrich our lives.

Invocation of the Elders

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