Mystic Enchantment of the Seven Stars

Mystic Enchantment of the Seven Stars

Mystic Enchantment of the Seven Stars

Mystic Enchantment of the Seven Stars

Purpose: This spell is designed to infuse objects with protective and empowering charms, bringing blessings, good fortune, and protection to the bearer.

Materials Needed:

  • A silver or white candle
  • Seven small crystals (amethyst, rose quartz, clear quartz, citrine, lapis lazuli, garnet, and jade)
  • A piece of white cloth
  • A piece of parchment and a quill
  • A small bowl of salt water
  • A sprig of rosemary
  • Incense (preferably lavender or sandalwood)
  • An item to be enchanted (e.g., a piece of jewelry, a charm, or a talisman)


  1. Cleanse your space by lighting the incense and gently waving it around the area.
  2. Set up an altar or a clean surface with the candle in the center, surrounded by the seven crystals.
  3. Place the bowl of salt water and the sprig of rosemary on the altar.

Spell Casting Steps:

  1. Light the Candle:
    • Light the silver or white candle. As you do so, say:
      By the light of this candle, pure and bright,
      I call upon the ancient might.
      Bless this space with sacred power,
      As I perform this rite, in this hour.
  2. Invoke the Elements:
    • Dip the sprig of rosemary into the salt water and sprinkle a few drops around the altar, saying:
      Spirits of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air,
      Hear my call, my humble prayer.
      Bless this charm with your grace,
      Protection and power, in this place.
  3. Focus on the Crystals:
    • Take each crystal in your hand, one by one, and place it in a circle around the candle. As you place each crystal, say:
      Amethyst for spiritual light,
      Rose quartz for love, soft and bright.
      Clear quartz for energy's flow,
      Citrine for joy that always grows.
      Lapis lazuli, wisdom's hue,
      Garnet for strength, tried and true.
      Jade for luck, green and fair,
      Bless this charm, hear my prayer.
  4. Write Your Intentions:
    • On the parchment, write down your intentions for the enchantment (e.g., protection, love, courage). Fold the parchment and place it under the item to be enchanted.
  5. Enchant the Item:
    • Hold the item above the candle flame (but not too close to avoid burning) and visualize a bright light surrounding it. Chant:
      By the stars of night and the sun by day,
      Infuse this charm, in every way.
      With love, protection, courage, and might,
      Enchant this item with ancient light.
  6. Empower the Item:
    • Pass the item through the incense smoke, then sprinkle a few drops of the salt water on it. Finally, wrap it in the white cloth with the parchment inside.
  7. Close the Spell:
    • Extinguish the candle and thank the elements and the energies you’ve called upon:
      Earth, Water, Fire, and Air,
      Thank you for your presence here.
      Blessings given, blessings stay,
      As I end this spell, in a sacred way.
  8. Seal the Enchantment:
    • Leave the wrapped item on the altar overnight to absorb the energies. The next day, your enchanted item is ready to be used or gifted.


  • Regularly cleanse the enchanted item with moonlight or gentle incense to maintain its energy.
  • Keep the parchment with the item or in a special place as a reminder of the spell’s intentions.

By following these steps, you will create a powerful enchanted charm imbued with protective and empowering energies, ready to bring blessings into your life.

Mystic Enchantment of the Seven Stars

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